MASSS / Wasted Cathedral

[bandcamp width=400 height=241 album=1703887521 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 artwork=small] This is a split tape. One side and one song is done by MASSS, and the other side and two songs are by Wasted Cathedral. In “5 Chambers” by MASSS, a synth string drone starts and is sustained with a slight bit of filter modification provi…

Un Bosque Noruego – Gwahir

[bandcamp width=400 height=274 album=2588141255 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 artwork=small] The sound of synthetic wind blows as a voice and string-like synth fades in and gently provides melody, and then fades into a droning pad which slowly develops intertwined with the melody, which eventually stops, leaving a secondary melody which is…

Sacred Oak – DRONEDEMO

[bandcamp width=400 height=307 album=1712085722 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 artwork=small] In “Frozen Rest” a percussive sound happens, and then a distorted bass tone appears, and then a guitar comes in, unflinchingly playing the same note. Static appears, then disappears as this occurs. The sound of a guitar pick can be heard, occas…

Lowered – Arche (For Singing Bowls)

[bandcamp width=400 height=208 album=3358939168 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 artwork=small] A fairly low tone from a singing bowl plays, and after a short period is joined by another tone. Then, a singing bowl is struck and rings out over the two constant tones. After fading out and a short period has passed, it rings out again in the…