Vanity Productions – Memories of Kazan

“Polaroids (Feat. Tonje Terese)” begins with a fractured melody in a rhythm with an aesthetic of error, and then moves into what would seem to be a more pedestrian melody upon cursory listening, but is actually quite complex, using fractured rhythms and time signatures like the cut-up method used by William S. Buroughs in writing, pasting notes in places that they don’t ostensibly belong but which evoke a certain feeling in their chaos, like the fragments of an old memory. Sounds dance at the edge of the mix, which plays on one hand seemingly simple, melancholic melodies but on the other hand is intentionally error strewn.

“Spasskaya Tower” starts out with a fade in of notes of an indiscernible instrument played without time signature using a delay effect which causes the sound to repeat over itself. Finally a low note start playing, which gives a sense of transition, and then a discordant tone rings out over the mix. There is development in this, as what could be seen as chaos at face value nonetheless has melody, dynamics, and a sense of purpose. By the time the song fades out, the listener has been taken for a ride through ups and downs, lows and highs, even while the aesthetic of error continues as a common thread which unites both tracks.

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Author: dryeyes4096

I am a musician, spanning many genres with various projects, as well as a writer, poet, and photographer.